Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Winter Highlights and Monthly News

February, 2014
100 Day and other
Notable Events in February
 Incredibly, the 100th day of school should arrive on Friday, February 7th! (date updated after Wednesday's snow day) The second graders will be cheering on the first graders, as the first graders dress up as if they were 100 years old!  (The 2nd graders enjoyed that last year!)
The second graders continue with their efforts to bring in 4 cans of rice (each student) if they are able by Thursday, February 6th.  This will help our whole school’s effort in contributing 100 of several items to those in need.
Last week, we jumped back into the science principles of Matter with a wonderful presentation entitled “What’s the Matter?” by the Stamford Nature Center.  We thank Lisa Piersol and Karla Schimmeck for helping us on such short notice.  The students learned about the properties of Matter and performed many cool experiments!  We are thankful to the Enrichment Committee for making the event possible. 
With Valentines Day just around the corner (Friday, February 14th), all students are encouraged to make/buy Valentines for one another.  We will be celebrating in school.  Feel free to bring in Valentines early if they’re ready.  Please try to have all Valentines in by Wednesday, February 12th.  A class checklist is included in today’s student mailboxes.
We have had a few changes with our Word Study spelling words.  Due to our inconsistent New England weather and our fast-paced schedule, several groups will be practicing lists for 2 weeks.  This extra practice with our tricky patterns will help us with writing as well as reading.  
*Please remind children to check their work – remind them that when they re-read words they’ve written, they need to be sure to have at least 1 vowel in every syllable of a word.
In reading, we have recently wrapped up our character unit, but will continue to dig deeper into our books – both fiction and non-fiction, paying close attention to the author’s message for the characters, the bigger lessons that we can learn,  retelling important parts, and the text features  of non-fiction books.  We will also work on word accuracy and fluency.

In writing, we are thoroughly enjoying starting to write convincing letters about some of our favorite books, real-life interests or opinions in our Writing About Reading/Persuasive Writing unit.  We actually do a lot of persuading without even realizing it!  Most importantly, we are learning to prove, or explain why we feel a certain way. 


We continue with work “reading” tables and charts and recognizing shapes in our unit of “How Many Floors/How Many Rooms” unit.  Your children will use architecture skills as they create cube buildings and sketch floorplans in our current unit, focusing on growing patterns with ratios and equal groups  (our secret -  A hint of repeated addition/ multiplication concepts) and repeating patterns and number sequences.


Thurs., Feb. 6:   Ashley Stockdale
Mon., Feb. 10:  Connor Harwick
Fri., Feb. 7:  100th Day of School
Fri., Feb. 7:  Scholastic Due
       So orders will arrive before break
Fri., Feb. 7:  100th Day Can contributions
Fri., Feb. 14:  2nd marking period ends
Fri, Feb. 14: Valentine Celebration
Feb. 17 - 21:Presidents Week/ Vacation
Mon., Feb. 24:  Conference sign-up notes home
Fri., March 7th:  Progress Reports Home
Wed.,Feb. 26:Author Visit, Brian Pinkney
·         Please remember to include all your classmates when you make/write your Valentines!
·         We will be making 100th Day creations in class; no need to send in any goodies.
·         When the chilly/snowy weather comes, please label all cold weather gear and send to school with your child in some kind of “snow gear bag.”  Thank you for helping the children stay organized with their belongings!
·         Thank you for your support in sending in the “Box Tops for Education.” Please keep them coming!  This year, the Student Council is not counting by classes; they are having a school-wide goal of collecting box tops!
  • Continued thanks to our Room Moms, Elizabeth Svedlund and Jane Glassmeyer, and for all Volunteers!