Sunday, October 30, 2011

2nd Steps Social Skills

This week we continued learning how to develop empathy and understanding for others.  We also learned that one person may change their feelings about a situation over time.

The way we react to someone is very important in our understanding how they feel and how we can help them feel a little better.  If we notice that someone is having trouble joining something we're doing at recess, we can be welcoming and inviting so that person might not feel nervous or shy anymore!

Try these scenarios with people in your house and see how your feelings may change over time.
  • You've never tried the jungle gym at the park and your cousin shows you how to do it.
  • Your mom and dad don't see their usual friends in their lunchroom at work, but they meet someone new.
  • Your team just made it to the World Series and you're afraid you'll let them down, but the crowd cheers and you start to feel differently.
  • Your teacher chooses the partners so you can't pick your best friends to work with, but your new partner is so excited to start the task with you.
  • You try Subtraction Bowling, miss the pins, but your classmates still cheer for you.
Remember:  You can make others feel better if you help them feel welcome.
And, if you have an uncomfortable feeling about something, the feeling won't last forever!

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